East Side Union High School District Graduation Requirements
In order to earn a diploma from the East Side Union High School District, students must: 1, pass the California High School Exit Exam and 2, pass 220 credits in the areas shown below.
Subject Requirement Credits Required
English Students must pass:
4 years of English 40
Social Science Students must pass:
1 year of World History
1 year of United States History
1 semester of Economics
1 semester of American Government 30
Mathematics Students must pass:
Algebra 1 or Integrated Math 1
Geometry or Integrated Math 2
(or higher level courses) 20
Science Students must pass:
2 years of college prep lab science that satisfies the University of California a-g course sequence. 20
Fine Arts or Foreign Language Students must pass:
1 year course in fine arts or foreign language 10
Physical Education Students must pass:
2 years of Physical Education (1 year must be taken in the 9th grade) 20
Electives Students must pass elective courses chosen in the following areas: Art, Business,
Home Economics, Careers and Technology,
English, Foreign Language, Math, Music,
Industrial Education, P.E., Reading, Science
Social Science, Safety Education and work
experience/CCOC/ROP 80
Total 220